Title: a joy, a sanctuary, a root | Arctic Blues and A Mountain Red, Group Exhibition for the “3 Days of Design” Festival in Copenhagen.

Leather pouches sewn by @luisammilan, Barn wood from my Nonno Ernesto Cristinzo , Embroidery by my great grandmother Guidetta Troiano, 1928
@c_l_battle, “seeds are meant to disperse” grew a heirloom green bean in my pocket while traveling from Toronto, Lisbon, London, Copenhagen
Apple seeds from Doris McCarthy Materials: scraps of Italian leather, heirloom green bean, wild flowers found in concrete in Copenhagen, willow charcoal, oil and chalk pastel, apple bioplastic (gelatin/agar-agar), bioplastics dyed with Blue Spirulina, Indigo, Beets and Blueberries, metal frame and collage elements adhered with gelatin-based tape, plant based methyl cellulose glue and butternut squash sap adhesive, display made of reclaimed materials


Process Portfolio - Witch, is the Idea


New 2023 Paintings